2008年12月19日 星期五

不要只是靜默-德國宗教領袖Martin Niemoller馬丁尼莫拉


二次大戰後,德國新教徒馬丁尼莫拉 (Martin Niemoller),這樣懺悔﹕「起初他們(納粹黨)追殺共產主義者時,由於我不是共產主義者,我不說話﹔接著他們追殺猶太人時,我不是猶太人,也不說話﹔後來他們追殺天主教徒時,我不是天主教徒,我也不說話。最後,他們朝我而來,卻再也沒有人可以站起來為我說話了。」

- Martin Niemoller 是二次大戰前德國的宗教領袖,

Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Kommunist.

Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.

Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten,
habe ich nicht protestiert;
ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.

Als sie die Juden holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Jude.

Als sie mich holten,
gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

- Martin Niemoller 1892-1984.
維基百科<英文>Martin Niemoller from WIKI English
維基百科<中文>馬丁尼莫拉 from WIKI Chinese

2008年12月16日 星期二

Windows 顯示桌面不見,怎麼辦?


打開'記事本' 程式,輸入內容如下:


然後把這個文件存為< Show Desktop.scf >,務必確認檔案名與左邊框框裡的名稱是一樣的,
然後把存檔的Show Desktop.scf文件複製到'注意,請確認檔案要存為scf檔案,不是txt檔唷'

C:\Documents and Settings\使用者名稱\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch


2008年12月11日 星期四




2008年11月25日 星期二


真是晴天霹靂>< 太誇張了,那個人搞的阿?? 此時我的心情有如鬥敗的公雞, 非常難過,天阿, 一直以來的坐墊, 陪伴我從開始到昨天的坐墊, 也好幾年了, 唉,深厚的感情都已建立來了, 心痛阿, 以下附圖(圖在家裡,晚點補上)
寄件者 20081124

寄件者 20081124

寄件者 20081124


2008年11月21日 星期五

Mussina Announces Retirement

Mussina Announces Retirement from New York Times's news

Mike Mussina 宣佈要退休了,
Mike Mussina再完成生涯的第一次也是最後一次的單季20勝之後,
然而,我不得不佩服Mike Mussina的決定,

18 seasons, 270-153(Wins-Loses), 3.68 E.R.A, 2,813 Strikeouts, 23 Shutouts,
6 One-hitters games, 1 20-Win Seasons.

至於Mussina能否進入Hall of Fame? 現在還未得知,
並未拿到鐵票300 Wins,但是未來又怎麼知道呢?

Mussina, thank you for the effort you did on Beseball,
bring us some much touch moments.
Thank you, may you have a wonderful day.

2008年11月6日 星期四

[English Study] KTV in America

Many people in Taiwan enjoying going out for a night of singing at a KTV. Though this activity is popular in Taiwan, it is not popular in the United States, except for places with large Asian communities.

When most Americans hear the word KTV, thy automatically think of karaoke. When karaoke machines first came to America, they were put in crowed bars, forcing singers to "entertain" every one in the room with their singing. Many people were embarrassed when they sang, and others in the bar often made fun of the people singing. Not surprisingly, karaoke never really caught on in the United States.

KTVs in Taiwan have private rooms, so customers can sing to their heart's content without feeling self-conscious. And in America, dancing or talking with freinds in a bar while listening to songs is still more popular than singing along with them.

2008年11月5日 星期三

[English Study] Calm Down Before E-mailing

We all lose our tempers every now and again. Usually an apology will mend any hurt feelings, but, in this age of instant communication, getting angry can have some long lasting and damaging consquences.

Friendships have been lost and feelings hurt due to an angry e-mail or text message. Because e-mail and text messaging are so quick and convenient, people tend to send anry messages without thinking carefully, or knowing all the facts. Often, they are later embarrassed to read that they have written.

So, the next time you are upset, do not immediately fire off an angry response. Wait an hour before you send any e-mail or text messages. By then, you will have probably cooled down and be able to decide if you really want to send such an angry message.

[English Study] It's OK to Cry

You may have heard that old phrase,"Boys don't cry." In the past, some people believed that males should never show their sadness. Today, however, may doctors believe that crying is perfectly normal and that is should even be encouraged.

Recent scientific studies have shown that tears actually help to rid the boy of toxins. Crying has also been shown to release pain-relieving chemicals from the brain. Today, many therapists and psychologists believe that crying is a healthy outlet for strong emotions, especially sadness.They say that it is unhealthy to keep these feelings bottled up inside.

So, the next time you are sad, go ahead and shed some tears; you will feel better after a good cry. You may even feel healthier, too.

[English Study] Can Money Buy Happiness?

You've probably heard the song, (Money) Can't Buy Me Love, but do you think that money can buy happiness?

A recent study has shown that money can change your outlook on life. Researchers at the University of Warwick, in England, studied the effects of unexpected money on more than 9,000 families. The study concluded that winning as little as £1,000 (NT$62,000) caused people to become happier about their lives. However, they also found out that gaining any amount less than £1 million(NT$62 million) did not have an lasting effect on people's happiness.

The experts concluded that, for people to be happy, a good marriage and good health were actually more important than money.

They also discovered that women were usually happier than men, and that thirty-to-forty-year-olds were the least likely to be happy.

[English Study] How to Reply Greetings

There are many different greetings in English, from formal to informal. Fortunately, you do not have to memorize many different replies to each greeting. The simplest way to reply to a greeting, in fact, is just to repeat the same greeting back to the speaker.

For example, if someone greets you with, "Good morning," just answer "Good morning" back to that person. Repeating most questions back is an easy-and polite-way to reply. If someone says, "How are you?" it is fine to reply back "How are you?" though you should add a "Fine" or "Good" beforehand.

Of course, the person asking "How are you?" or "How have you been?" does not want a lengthy reply about how are you doing or how have you been, unless you are close friends. Instead, that person is just using a common greeting to say hello.

[English Study] The Etiquette of Introductions

Introductions are important, and there are different rules for different situations. Generally speaking, when making introductions, try to say the most important person's name first. For instance, you should say, "Mr. President, pleas allow me to introduce Jon Smith."

In social situations, introductions are usually made according to age, then gender, and then social status. To introduce your friend Sally to someone older, you would say, "Mr. Jones, this is my friend Sally." However, to introduce Sally to someone of the same age, you would say, "Sally, let me introduce you to Ken."

In business situations, it is polite to make introductions to the client first; for example, "Mr. Brown, please let me introduce you to our marketing manager, Deb Jones. Deb, this is Mr. Brown, our client at ABC Technology."

[English Study] To Shake or Not to Shake?

In the United States and many Western Countries, it is considered polite for people to shake hands when they meet. In the past, men mostly shook hands, but today it is common for both men and women to do this.

Therefore, if you are introducing yourself to a visitor from a Western country, you should smile and extend your right hand. Take the other person'sright hand firmly in yours, adn move your hand up and down slowly. Maintain eye contact and continue the handshake from about two to three seconds. Do not squeeze too tightly or shake your hand too vigorously. The handshake should finish as you finish introducing yourself.

If you are uncomfortable shaking hands with another person, you can nod your head or bow slightly when you introduce yourself.

Also, most people in the West do not give out thier busienss cards the first time they introduce themselves. Instead, a handshake is considered moer polite when first introuducing yourself; business cards are usually exchanged later.

[English Study]Lesson 01 Introducing Yourself

1.How are you doing? I'm Debbie.
Nice to meet you, Debbie. I'm Lance.
2.We've never been introduce. I am Jason.
Hello. I'm Shirley. I've heard a lot about you.
3.Let me introduce myself. I am Jason.
It's nice to meet you. My name is Shirley.

Other Useful Sentences

1. Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm Jason Su.
2. For those of you who don't know me. I am Jason Su.
3. How do you do? I am Jason.
4. Good evening. My name is Jason.
5. Excuse me. We haven't met. I am Jason.

1. How's it going? I'm Jason.
2. I'm Jason, but you can call me Ja.
3. I'm Jason Su. Please call me Jason.
4. (I'm) Jason. Jason Su. Glad to meeet you.
5. Hi! I'm Jason.

2008年10月30日 星期四

2008 World Champion is "Philadelphia Phillies"

NYTimes News
2009's MLB World Champion is Philadelphia Phillies.

The World Series ended in few minutes ago,
Phillies 4, Rays 3.

wow, after 28 years, The Phillies won the title again.
It took a long time and the Rays ended the amazing season in 2008.

actually, I am a little disappointed about the result.
because I want to see more games between the two teams.

and I expected the Rays can make a miracle in 2008.
but you know, it's baseball.
so we should accept it, right?

2008年10月27日 星期一


請參考下列經文撒母耳記下11 Samuel



2008年10月24日 星期五

Ubuntu is very interesting

before this week,
I am the one only know how to use Windows OS.

but in this week, I learned from a magazine which introducing the Ubuntu.
Ubuntu is a kind of system based on Linux.

This is my first time to touch Linux.
Although I met some problems when I installed Ubuntu.
But finally, I finished it.

I think it really need to take some time to get used to use Ubuntu.
therefore, sometimes I will use Windows XP again. Ha ha.

Give me some more time to learn how to use the interesting OS.

What is death?

recently, one of my friends's friend's husband got cancer.
what I heard is that the patient's situation is not very good.

I have very few experience to deal with this kind of situation.
therefore, I have a question about what is death?

what do you think about it?
where will we go when we die?
as a christian, I know that we will go to a wonderful place.
so we don't have to be too sad about the death.
but we will still feel bad when we losing some very close relatives, family members
even our lover.

I don't know can I stand it or not?
I think we need to rely on God.

isn't it?

2008年10月2日 星期四

I want to try to write this blog in English more

I have several blogs in different sites.
But I have no blogs written by English.
Therefore, I would like to try to write more in English here.

Please forgive my poor english.

If you have every seen my mistakes, please kindly let me know.
I dwill amend it A.S.A.P.

